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Your story may be told in infinite ways. The best are the ones that honor its significance, as well as the dignity and times of the ones it was dedicated to. Visuality not only aids narration, but at times embodies narration itself.

Let's make the first cut

To be unique or different is a human goal indeed, even when the harmony of universe is in need.
I offer my tools and service for the purpose of connecting the unconnectable.

Where is the limit?

Not all ideas are tasteful or applicable. An empty canvas is no more than a crib, it is the artists mind which gives birth to a masterpiece. Beauty lives not in the piece itself, but in the eye of the beholder. Once we know this, we may begin…

Visual Designer

U ulozi sklapanja smislenih sadržaja u vizualno jasne i uzbudljive poruke, te njihova materijalizacija putem komunikacijskih medija i tehnika u Gutenbergovoj i drugim galaksijama na korist svih.


Kada slova ima previše, vremena za pijenos poruke premalo, a fotografija nema onu traženu poetiku. Kada jedan crtež može zamijeniti mnoštvo riječi, bez daljnjeg objašnjavanja, to je to?

Creativity is a lively place between laziness and need…

Welcome to the emotions factory!

Vaše poruke vješto umatam u bilo koju traženu emociju, tako da ih možete isporučiti svom auditoriju
na što nedvosmisleniji i neposredniji način

Make it more honest

Make things easy

Make it tasty

Your business niche is also included

Svaka djelatnost treba kvalitetnu komunikaciju sa klijentima i potrošačima. Vrhunski proizvod često čini razliku tek kada je zamotan u svoju sjajnu ambalažu, satkanu od dobrih ideja.


You don’t have to be Plato or Socrates, even Delphic oracle to see work of outstanding quality here! Bijader for president!

Joan of Arc

School teacher

You don’t have to be Plato or Socrates, even Delphic oracle to see work of outstanding quality here!
Bijader for president!


Tattoo master

You don’t have to be Plato or Socrates, even Delphic oracle to see work of outstanding quality here! Bijader for president!

Attila the Hun

Insurance sales agent

Brighten your place

Potreba da se svakim zadatkom barem malo nadmašim pomaže mojim klijentima ponosno i bez dvojbi izaći na svjetlo i tamo ostati duže nego što su planirali. To znači i da moj rad ima smisla.

Versatile Layout Options

Vestibulum lobortis. Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum quam. Nullam non gravida purus dolor ipsum amet sit.


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum.

T-Shirts, not pajamas

Postoje bezbrojne majice u kojima ljudi samo spavaju, a rijetke su one koje se nose kao vlastita koža. One posebne, koje nose poruku, s duhovitom i originalnom idejom. Pronađi ideju s kojom ćeš “kliknuti”, ideju s tvojom DNK.

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